Sunday, July 16, 2006

Photo: Boat Woman In Zamboanga

This is not in Vietnam, but a scene in the southern Philippine port of Zamboanga, where island villagers still use paddle boats to hop from island to the other. Many residents are supporting a proposal by lawyers and civic groups to divide the city's 98 villages and create a separate province called Zamboanga Hermosa. (Zamboanga Journal)


Anonymous said...

What are these people thinking? What would be the anticipated tangible benefits of creating another bureaucracy? And who are these "residents, lawyers and civic groups" who hatched this harebrained idea? When things like this come up, it is always a good idea to find out who are the people behind the effort to determine their motives. These people cannot even run a chartered city effectively and lead it to prosperity; now they are trying to convert it into a province. Is it not just putting on a different collar to the same dog? That is not going to get rid of the fleas and other parasites from the already miserable dog! Zamboanga City has a lot of problems that needs to be dealt with NOW. Calling it by another another name and creating more bureaucracy is not going to help anybody except for a few- most likely the proponents of this effort. On the contrary, it will just create another opportunity for inefficiency and corruption.

The Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper said...

Dear Reader,

Thank you for your comment. The Zamboanga Hermosa group, the local chapter of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines and Dr Olegario Gonzales, of the Western Mindanao State University, are among those strongly advocating for the creation of a separate province and not rename Zamboanga City.

Radio surveys also showed that many residents are supporting the move.

Your opinion is most welcome. Send them to with your name and contact number for reference.


Ed.Zamboanga Journal

The Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper said...


The name of Dr Olegario Gonzales should read as Dr Eldigario Gonzales.

Our apology.

Ed.Zamboanga Journal