Sunday, July 16, 2006

Rebels Raid Military Safe House In Quirino Province

CAGAYAN VALLEY (Zamboanga Journal / 16 Jul) Two government soldiers were seriously wounded after New People’s Army (NPA) rebels raided their safe house in Centro Maddela town in Quirino province, north of Manila.

The NPA said its forces raided the safe house late Friday.

“At least two soldiers belonging to the AFP's Military Intelligence Group (MIG) were seriously wounded when special operatives of the Venerando Villacillo Command-NPA raided their safe house in Centro Maddela, Quirino on July 14, 2006 at around 9:00 pm,” it said in a statement Sunday.

Military officials were not immediately available to make a statement.

The NPA is the armed wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines which broke off peace talks with Manila in 2004 after both groups, and its political wing, the National Democratic Front, were tagged as foreign terrorist organizations by the United States and European Union on the government’s prodding.

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