Friday, December 14, 2007

4 Mindanao Filmmakers Join Workshop By Mexican Director

ZAMBOANGA CITY, Philippines (Mindanao Examiner / Dec. 14, 2007) – Only four filmmakers from the southern Philippines were chosen to participate on a 4-day intensive workshop on filmmaking under Mexican director Gustavo Loza.

The four – Sheron Dayoc, Fernan Salinas, McRobert Nacario and Al Jacinto – will join about 40 other filmmakers and directors in the country on the workshop from Dec. 18-21 in Manila.

The workshop is sponsored by the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA), in cooperation with the Embassy of Mexico and Mowelfund Film Institute (MFI) with support from the President’s Social Fund (PSF).

The film workshop will tackle all the processes in creating a movie – from the origin of an idea, its transformation into a film script, its projection on the big screen and other processes involved when directing a film.

Considered as one of the exciting new directors in Mexico, Loza has several films to his credit. Opening his workshop will be Loza’s latest film, “Al otro lado” (To The Other Side), about the interspersed lives of three children – a Mexican, Moroccan and Cuban – whose fathers have left them to venture in other lands.

The four Mindanao filmmakers have recently joined an independent film festival in Manila. Their films will also be shown in festivals and exhibitions in Japan, Canada and East Timor. (Mindanao Examiner)

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