Friday, December 14, 2007

Peaceful Polls Assured In Sulu Province

SULU, Philippines (Mindanao Examiner / Dec. 14, 2007) - Authorities have assured of a peaceful special elections in the southern Philippine province of Sulu.

Village and youth elections are to be held Saturday in several towns in Sulu and seven other provinces in Mindanao after polls in May failed because of the presence of gunmen and teachers acting as poll officers failed to report.

"We assure the public that authorities are ready in any eventualities. There will be clean and honest elections," Brig. Gen. Ruperto Pabustan, commander of the army Special Forces in Sulu, told the Mindanao Examiner.

The military and police have been tapped to ensure peaceful polls in the province. (Mindanao Examiner Photo and Text/Nickee Butlangan)

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