Monday, December 22, 2008

Philippines' Shariff Kabunsuan Festival Successful

Triumphant with flying colors – this boat wins during the Guinakit Fluvial Parade in the Rio Grande de Mindanao in Cotabato City during the 11th Shariff Kabunsuan Festival celebration to commemorate the arrival of the Arab missionary during the 15th century. (Mindanao Examiner Photos / Mark Navales)

COTABATO CITY, Philippines (Mindanao Examiner / Dec. 22, 2008) - Cotabato City was all abuzz as people from neighboring municipalities and visitors from cities near and far came out to the streets to witness this year's colorful and exciting celebration of the 11th Shariff Kabunsuan Festival.

The event, held recently, was highlighted with the Guinakit Fluvial Parade at the mouth of the Rio Grande de Mindanao. Guinakit which means “bancas” tied together adorned with colorful Muslim traditional decors, and on board are dancers who danced to the traditional musical renditions of native musicians.

The Guinakit is a reenactment of the arrival of Shariff Muhammad Kabunsuan in the Rio Grande de Mindanao. He is an Arab missionary from Johore who came here to introduce Islamic faith and is instrumental in the propagation of Islam in the region.

Shariff Kabunsuan is also acknowledged as the foundation of the rich cultural and historical heritage of the Muslims in the South and Central Mindanao because leaders such as Sultan Kudarat and other Sultans who were renowned not only in our country but also abroad were his descendants.

He is responsible for the establishment of the sultanate form of government, the introduction of the madrasa education, vigorous trade and commerce in the area and a lot of other things that directly affected the lives of the people.

Other events marking the grand celebration is the "Kanduli" or "Pagana Maguindanao" –a royal banquet in the Maguindanao tradition which was done at the People's Palace-- the new city government hall wherein guest were served in traditional Muslim hospitality with mouthwatering traditional native delicacies.

The event was made possible through the skillful and creative direction of the very active First Lady of Cotabato City Bai Sandra A. Sema, chairperson of the City Tourism Council. (With a report from Mark Navales)

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