Monday, January 05, 2009

Failed Release Of POW Worries Interfaith Groups

DAVAO CITY, Philippines - The Interfaith Movement for Peace (IMPACT) expresses concern over delay of Lt. Vicente Cammayo's safe release; points to fresh military operations hampering POW's freedom.

Is the Arroyo government interested in the safe and expeditious release of NPA's Prisoner of War Lt. Vicente Cammayo? We at the IMPACT pose this question in response to the reported military operations in Laac town, Compostela Valley and the areas under the Special Forces Battalion. The fresh onslaught of military operations in these areas have apparently encumbered the impending release of the Lt. Cammayo which has been reportedly scheduled first week this month.

We are saddened that the militarization has been inimical to the whole release process of Lt. Cammayo. As reported, to effect Cammayo's safe release and turn-over to the authorities, there is a need for a Suspension of Military Operations or SOMO within the area of jurisdiction of the Army's 3rd Special Forces. The least that the Armed Forces of the Philippines can do is to observe this especially if we are to prevent a shooting war between their troops and the NPA in these areas.

Yet, we are dismayed that the AFP cannot exercise even such a minimum cooperation needed for Lt. Cammayo's release. The military's top brass seems to be unconcerned or unperturbed that their troop movement in the areas could affect Lt. Cammayo's safe release. They appear to be uncaring that the delays of Lt. Cammayo's release has increased the anxiety of his family, especially his pregnant wife. They appear to be insensitive that their non-implementation of the SOMO in the specific areas risk more lives and cause more anguish on the civilians in the affected villages.

While the responsibility of Lt. Cammayo's life and safety lies on his NPA custodians, the sole responsibility of Lt. Cammayo's expeditious and safe release lies ultimately on the AFP and the civilian authorities. But with their envigorated counter-insurgency operations in the areas reportedly since January 1 this year, the AFP, it seems, is out to frustrate or sabotage or hamper Lt. Cammayo's freedom.

We urge the civilian authorities, Mayor Rodrigo Duterte, Gov. Arthur Uy and other public officials to exert all effort for the Army to implement the SOMO and stop moves that would preclude Lt. Cammayo's release. The AFP should step aside now if we are to finally see a positive resolution of this case.

Bp. Delfin Callao
Philippine Independent Church

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