NORTH COTABATO, Philippines (Mindanao Examiner / Apr. 02, 2009) North Cotabato Vice Governor Emmanuel Pinol marched the isle of University of Southern Mindanao (USM) in Kabacan town together with hundreds of graduates with pride and honor on his quest to developing rural communities of North Cotabato with the expertise he gained.
Pinol, a former college drop-out, finished his Master's degree. Three years ago, he finished his Bachelor of Science in Rural Development through the Expanded Tertiary Equivalency and Accreditation Program of USM.
Pinol dissuaded the majority young poor of the province and even undergraduate politicians that age and poverty is not interference when you not stop dreaming.
“Its shouldn’t be the age and poverty be a hindrance to education, I have proven it. Our strategy of governance now is different too, leaders should not only be brave and mighty, they must be smart and strategic too”, Pinol said.
Members of his family and friends waited and congratulated him when he arrived at his office where he was applauded by employees and suppporters.
Pat, his elder brother, jested to him in their local hiligaynon dialect, “Te mayo kay indi gutok ang gin-suot mo nga sapatos” (Well its good the shoes you wore still fits at you). It sounded a joke, alright, but it was a reality in the provinces that made them reminisced their younger days -- eleven Pinol brothers -- shared the same pair of leather shoes used in graduations and other special events.
Pinol stressed that it is his true dream to uplift his province from poverty.
Rural development, he said, has given him insight as experienced political leader to approach development from a scientific point of view.
In his thesis entitled “Innovations in Local Governance, Impact on the Development of Rural Communities”, he collated the successful programs of the province that hooked up North Cotabato rom the quagmire of poverty before his administration as governor.
These include Plant-Now-Pay-Later Program, Study-Now-Pay-Later Program, Fly-Now-Pay-Later Program and Cotabato Health Insurance Program among others.
But this will not end this time, Pinol said he will enroll again and hopefully to finish his Doctorate degree in Rural and Economic Development.
He joshed saying a dream of his life. “I don’t want a simple tombstone in my grave when I die that just read as Emmmanuel Pinol, R.I.P; but what I want is Emmanuel Pinol, PHd, R.I.P." (Ferdinandh Cabrera)
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