Sunday, August 07, 2011

Grenade explodes in Cotabato City

COTABATO CITY, Philippines (Mindanao Examiner / Aug. 7, 2011) – A grenade exploded the house of a gun store owner whose shop was earlier bombed in the troubled city of Cotabato in the southern Philippines, police said Sunday.

Police said no one was hurt or killed in the attack that occurred late Saturday also in Cotabato. No individual or group claimed responsibility for the bombing, but police suspected the latest attack could be connected to business rivalry or family feud.

The house owner, Jesus Martinez, was not in the compound at the time of the attack and is said to be in Davao City. None of his family members or occupants of the house gave any statement about the blast.

On August 2, a parked motorcycle rigged with explosives was also detonated in front of a gun store believed owned by Martinez. One person was killed and 9 others wounded in the powerful blast that the local military insisted was the handiwork of Jemaah Islamiya terrorists. (Mindanao Examiner)

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