Sunday, January 08, 2006

CORPS Movement Is Reaching Out

CORPS Movement Foundation, Inc : All Rights Reserved
Copyright © 2002-2006 Comments and/or questions are always welcome.
God Bless Our Cops

The belief that Jesus Christ alone could change the men and women of Philippine National Police was the starting point of the Christian Officer's Reform the Police Service (CORPS) Movement Foundation.

They did not want to inherit a corrupt and much maligned organization.The year 1993, was a year of drastic change, a time when many police colonels and generals were made to retire in an effort to push through the moral recovery program in the PNP.
Four young officers -- Capt. Cesar Hawthorne Binag, Capt. Lyndon Cubos, Capt. Ma.O Aplasca and Capt. Benigno Durana -- faced by a problem. As the torch of leadership would soon be passed unto the next generation of leaders in the country's police organization, the four young officers were faced by a dilemma.
They did not want to inherit a corrupt and much maligned organization. Through the years the Philippine National Police has degenerated into the most blemished government institution and many reformative programs that aimed to rebuild the public's trust went in vain.
Although the PNP was established on moral grounds as stated in its vision -- "The PNP aims to create a professional, dynamic, highly motivated police force working in partnership with a responsive community towards the attainment of a peaceful, just, orderly and safe place to live, work and invest." -- some of its own members drifted afar from the vision and purpose and the reforms that were initiated and launched did not produced any concrete results.

In order for genuine reform to ever take place it would need Divine Intervention.
The four young officers, on the other hand, knew that in order for genuine reform to ever take place it would need Divine Intervention. They believed that God alone could change the hearts of any policemen, changed policemen that would influence the organization to change.
They meet regularly, shared their youthful experiences, studied the Word of God and shared their faith to their fellow "mistahs" and fellow police officers. As the years passed and as the group grew, volunteer Christian workers also joined them.
Boi Manuel, John Mackin and Peter Magno of the Philippine Campus Crusade for Christ became the group's spiritual advisers. Together with the police officers, they led the group through Bible studies, book reviews, lectures and other spiritual training. Through a series of visioning exercises and prayers, the group decided to form a formal organization as a vessel of sharing their faith to a larger number of people, and also as means of sharing their vision of change to other fellow officers.
The CORPS MOVEMENT Foundation was born with a vision of putting "GOD into every Cop" and a mission of helping create a "God Centered, Service Oriented and Family Based PNP".

Today, the CORPS Movement Foundation has been faithful to its calling with its two main activities: the My Brother's Keeper (MBK) program and the Bless Our Cops (BOC) program.
The MBK is a mentoring program wherein the newly graduated cadets of the Cadet Christian Fellowship, of the Philippine National Police Academy (Brother's) has been adopted by the Police Officers (Keepers).
This program aims to produce a lifetime bond of commitment, brotherhood, accountability and discipleship. On the other hand, the BOC is a program that aims to change the cursing attitude of the community towards the police into a blessing one.
This is through challenging and empowering the Christian Church to be involved in reaching out and helping their local police precincts and stations. The group continues to grow with volunteers who shares the same vision of the CORPS and also has partnered with several NGO's and other faith-based organizations.

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