Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Price Verification Machines Now In Many Zambo Stores

ZAMBOANGA CITY (Lowell Vallecer / 01 Feb) Good news for consumers! The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) on Wednesday announced that consumers can now check the accuracy of price tags on products they buy from groceries or department stores in Zamboanga City.

Thanks to the new price verification machines, major department stores and shopping malls in Zamboanga City have installed price verification machines particularly at the grocery section. The machine is equipped with a bar code reader which displays the price of each product on the computer screen.

The DTI urged consumers to always use the price verification machines to ensure that what they pay are correct with the price tags on their purchases.

In case of inconsistency on the prices, the DTI said the lower price prevails under the implementing rules and guidelines on the fair trade laws. It said establishments cannot impose the higher price on the customers, and warned store owners can be held administratively liable for violating the price tag law.

The public is advised to report any establishment violating the price tag law and can call the DTI consumer hotline at telephone number 991-2705.

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