Friday, June 16, 2006


He is known as Dad, Papa, Tatay, Itay. However we may choose to call him, our father is the first man we look up to. He is teacher and protector, an extraordinary person who gives so much of himself.

Many fathers extend this self-sacrifice by working in foreign shores to provide adequately for their families. One can barely grasp the loneliness endured by these men being separated from home.

Father’s Day is an opportunity for us to give back a little something to the person to whom we owe so much. We can do this in many ways. One of the most touching gestures of showing our love for Dad is to call him on his special day. Simply dial a few numbers and you are instantly connected! And Sun Cellular makes it easier and more convenient for you to do this through its IDD Top 10 Service.

Sun IDD Top 10 gives you the chance to greet Dad and bond with him on Father’s Day for only US 0.10 per minute starting on the first minute. This service extends to destinations where there is a high presence of Filipino migrants and OFWs – USA, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada, Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei, Guam and Macau. Since this rate is truly reasonable and costs even less than a local Sun to Sun call, you and Dad can enjoy longer talk time. There is no need to rush. You can have a more meaningful connection without the worry of expensive mobile IDD rates.

Make Dad, your grandfather, uncle and other relatives feel your love and appreciation and by calling them now with Sun Cellular’s IDD Top 10! Strengthen your bond with them even through the miles.

For more information on IDD Top 10 and other Sun services, visit its website at, call its hotline number 395-8000 or visit the Sun Shop nearest you.

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