Thursday, June 22, 2006

Reds Tag Arroyo's All Out War vs NPA As Braggadocio

SOUTH COTABATO (Zamboanga Journal / 22 Jun) The National Democratic Front (NDF) on Thursday branded as pretentious bragging President Gloria Arroyo's release of additional P1 billion to crush communist insurgency in the country.

"The additional P1 billion allocations to fund President Gloria Arroyo’s pipe dream of crushing the New People’s Army in two years is nothing but a display of fascist braggadocio typical of swaggering generals and dictators. It reveals the depths of Arroyo’s ignorance of the dynamics of revolution and the heights of her counter-revolutionary fantasy, which proves to be a costly yet deadly misadventure," Rubi del Mundo, a spokesman for the NDF in Southern Mindanao, said.

Arroyo last week ordered the release of the money to help the military defeat the New People's Army (NPA) in two years. Three army battalions were also pulled out from Mindanao to hunt down insurgents in Luzon, a stronghold of the NPA.

She also ordered security forces Thursday to protect businessmen from NPA extortion and at the same told authorities to investigate and file criminal charges against those who are supporting the rebels. Traders have complained the rebels were extorting "revolutionary" taxes from them and those who refused to pay are threatened with harm.

“Arroyo is committing the same mistakes of past Philippine presidents: raising the ante for a militarist strategy under conditions of extreme poverty, social discontent and political polarization favors the revolutionary movement more than anything else,” said Del Mundo. “Martial Law and recycled presidential proclamations of “all-out-wars” thereafter failed to halt the advance of the revolutionary movement, much less defeat it.”

Del Mundo said the new anti-insurgency funding would only breed more corruption in the military and the police.

"The Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine National Police generals are having a heyday under an embattled Arroyo regime whosepolitical survival they almost exclusively determine on a daily basis. With billions of pesos at their disposal, corruption at the highest level of thereactionary regime and police officers corps shall continue without letup.
"To say the least, it could only spell more GMA-made disasters for the people. Enlarging her war chest means lesser funds for education, health, housing and other basic social services, which have all but dried up. Worse, anti-Arroyo activists in the cities and provinces shall continue to bear the deadly brunt of state terrorism with AFP death squads given outright licenses to kill. The human rights atrocities shall continue to be on the upswing as AFP combat battalions and special operation units go on a rampage in the countryside," Del Mundo said.

The NDF is the political arm of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), whose armed wing, the NPA, is fighting the past three decades for the establishment of a Maoist state in the country. The NPA boasts of more than 10,000 armed regulars, but the military estimates it at around 7,500.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go. It is time to bring back the power to the Filipinos. You can't be always worrying when you will be the victim. NPA have terrorized and oppressed the Filipinos for 37 years.

This is good news to businesses and Filipinos. The stocks, dividends, and economy will surely grow. With the halt of NPA tax, more money stays on Filipinos pocket. Thereby, more money goes to the economy. As more money goes to the economy, the government has more money to give service back to Filipinos. Win win situation. However, the government must not be penalizing the businesses for paying NPA tax unless the business is part of the NPA. Rather, businesses must become an ally to fight NPA taxation. Businesses are force to pay.

NPA are smart bunch. In fact, Joma is a former UP professor. Brute force is not enough to beat them. I'm not sure if the Philippine Military continue education up to college and university level. College and University Education teach discipline to finish what started and prepare for real world. Filipino Military need brilliant modern tactics. Torture and Coercion do not work as the information is not so credible. Intelligence Gathering is more credible and authoritative source of information such as paper trail, satellite sensing, GPS, agents, humming device, and more. Amazingly, NPA can play and toy the mind of the Filipinos thru media. It is very surprising as the Philippine are among the most educated country. Even lawmakers like congressmen and senators are fooled. Predictably, there will be another campaign to oust the current and future president and government. Hopefully, the Filipinos are smart enough to know this time.