Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Powerful Blast Hits Philippine Congress; 8 Injured

MANILA, Philippines (Mindanao Examiner / Nov. 12, 20070 – At least 8 people were wounded in suspected bombing late Tuesday at the House of Representatives in the Philippine capital.

Several lawmakers were among the injured in the powerful blast that destroyed the south-wing ceiling of the building. It was unclear how the explosion occurred, but witnesses said they smelled gunpowder in the area.

The blast occurred at around 8 p.m. Reports were conflicting, others said the explosion emanated from a car parked at the House of Representatives while some claimed the blast was from a bomb planted inside the building.

Police and military officials said it was early to say if the blast was a bomb attack or whether it had something to do with reports that rightwing soldiers, disgruntled with President Gloria Arroyo’s rule and corruption in government, could be behind the explosion.

No group or individual claimed responsibility for the blast.

Arroyo’s government has been rocked by corruption allegations and the President is hounded with accusations that she cheated in the elections to keep herself and allies in power against the popular Fernando Poe Jr., a movie actor, who died while campaigning.

Poe’s supporters and opposition politicians and civil groups accused Arroyo of electoral fraud after an alleged military wiretapped conversation between her and an election commissioner that linked them to cheating surfaced. (Mindanao Examiner)

1 comment:

  1. One of the victims is my friend. Also in critical condition.
    Please pray for Maan Gale.
