Wednesday, August 20, 2008

MILF: Stop Hostilities In Mindanao!

WARNING: Contains graphic images. A suspected rebel, Miguelito Maglangit, is escorted by policemen after he was arrested Tuesday, August 19, 2008 in Kauswagan town in Lanao del Norte province in the southern Philippines, as Philippine Air Force soldiers load ammunition. And the victims of rebel atrocities in Lanao del Norte province in the southern Philippines where Moro Islamic Liberation Front forces under Abdul Rahman Macapaar alias Commander Bravo went on a murderous rampage. (Mindanao Examiner Photos / Mark Navales and Juan Magtanggol)

LANAO DEL NORTE, Philippines (Mindanao Examiner / August 20, 2008) – The leader of the Philippines' largest Muslim rebel group Moro Islamic Liberation Front on Wednesday ordered two senior commanders to stop hostilities in Mindanao.

But the skirmishes still continue elsewhere in the region and fighting erupted Wednesday in Mamasapano town in Maguindanao province where an undetermined number of rebels and a soldier were killed.

Authorities blamed Amiril Umra Kato and Abdul Rahman Macapaar, blamed for deadly attacks in the provinces.

The fighting and rumors of impending rebel attacks also forced government officials to suspend classes and many commercial establishments closed in several towns in Zamboanga Sibugay and Zamboanga del Norte on Wednesday.

Manila also offered P10 million bounties for the capture of the two rebel commanders, who led hundreds of fighters in attacking the provinces of North Cotabato, Lanao del Norte, Sarangani, and Sultan Kudarat provinces that left dozens of civilians dead and wounded.

Murad Ebrahim, the secluded chieftain of the MILF, also ordered an investigation into the hostilities committed by the two rebel commanders.

But Ebrahim also blamed the Arroyo government for the escalation of hostilities in Mindanao brought about by the failed signing of the ancestral domain agreement.

"This could be the beginning of war if not properly handled. But there is still a chance in going back to the peace as long as both parties will implement utmost restraint in order to hold back the situation," he said.

The MILF, which is currently negotiating peace with Manila, said the attacks were carried out by rebels disgruntled over the slow pace of the talks and the failure of both sides to sign the ancestral domain agreement.

Peace negotiators have reached a deal in July on the ancestral domain, but the Supreme Court stopped the formal signing of the accord after politicians and lawmakers opposed to the deal filed their petitions and asking Manila to make public the rest of the agreement.

Ancestral domain is the single most important issue in the peace negotiations before the rebel group can reach a political settlement with the Philippine government.
Manila said there is need to amend the Constitution to allow plebiscite on areas under the ancestral domain that would make up the so-called Bangsamoro Juridical Entity and give Muslims their own homeland.

Ebrahim said the MILF will sanction the two rebel leaders and that there is no need for the government to issue warrants for their arrest.

Defense Secretary Gilbert Teodoro said Kato and Macapaar and their followers are being hunted by security forces in connection to the attacks. "These men have committed criminal activities and they are being pursued and they must be tried in accordance with our criminal justice system," he said.

"The apprehension and eventual trial of Umra Kato and Commander Bravo cannot be made as any precondition to the furtherance of the peace talks," he said.

Macapaar in a radio interview on Wednesday warned of more hostilities if the ancestral domain deal is not signed. He accused Manila of insincerity in negotiating peace with the MILF.

He also taunted the military to get him. "If the government declares an all-out war then we will also declare an all-out war. If they come and attack us, then we are ready to face them. We are prepared to trade fire until we are decimated," he told the Radio Mindanao Network by phone from a rebel base in Mindanao.

Macapaar also denied government accusation that his forces were behind the murderous rampage in the provinces. I have nothing to do with the attacks. It was carried out by the mujahideen, who are soldiers of Allah," he said.

He also said that his group strictly follows the MILF leadership as long as it adheres to the teaching of the Koran. "We recognize the MILF leadership and we strictly follow the chain of command as long as this is in accordance to the teachings of the holoy Koran otherwise we will not follow the orders of our leaders, but Allah," he said.

He said the mujahideen were frustrated by the failure of the signing of the ancestral domain deal and blamed North Cobato deputy governor Emmanuel Pinol, Iligan City Lawrence Cruz and Zambonga City Mayor Celso Lobregat for it.
"The mujahideen are so frustrated about the (failed signing of the ancestral domain agreement) because of the opposition of Pinol, Cruz and Lobregat," Macapaar said.

The ancestral domain covers the whole of the Muslim autonomous region which comprises the provinces of Sulu, Tawi-Tawi, Basilan, Maguindanao and Lanao, including Marawi City. And some areas in Zamboanga Peninsula, North Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat and Sarangani provinces in Mindanao and Palawan island where there are large communities of Muslims and indigenous tribes. And many politicians and residents in thse areas opposed their inclusion in the Bangsamoro Juridical Entity.

Mohagher Iqbal, chief MILF peace negotiator, has admitted that there are factions in their group which is skeptical on government sincerity to the peace process, especially after the failed signing of the ancestral domain deal.

"We have been saying this repeatedly, even right at the beginning of the peace process, that there are sectors in the MILF, both political and military, which are against in negotiating peace with the government because their argument is the government is not sincere in finding just and lasting solution to the problems of Mindanao," Iqbal said.

Iqbal said that Macapaar's group is so frustrated with the slow pace of the peace talks that they launched unauthorized attacks in Mindanao. "MILF members are so frustrated with what's going on. They believed that the government is insincere," he said.Former President Joseph Estrada also urged the Arroyo government to suspend the peace talks with the MILF and declare an all-out war following the series of rebel attacks in Mindanao.

During his presidency, Estrada ordered a massive military offensive against the MILF after the rebels failed to sign a peace deal. Mrs. Arroyo has ousted Estrada in a bloodless revolution in 2001.

Khaled Musa, a senior MILF leader, reacting to Estrada's tirade said: "Estrada has no more moral authority to speak on any national issues, saying that aside from being a convicted criminal – only conditionally pardoned - he proved during his presidency that he had no brains to run this country." (Mindanao Examiner)

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