Monday, August 03, 2009

Sulu police headquarters renamed after slain commander

Former Sulu provincial police commander, Chief Superintendent Julasirim Kasim. (Mindanao Examiner Photo)

SULU, Philippines (Mindanao Examiner / August 3, 2009) – Sulu Governor Sakur Tan has approved a resolution by the Provincial Legislative Council renaming the provincial police headquarters to Camp Chief Superintendent Julasirim Kasim in honor of the slain police officer.

The resolution, authored by Board Member Hector Buclao, cited Kasim’s courage and bravery during his lifetime as Sulu’s police chief.

“Chief Superintendent Kasim was a man of peace and his many accomplishments as a police chief of Sulu have become a motivation and an inspiration for many policemen in the province. He was a good police officer,” Buclao said, quoting Tan as saying.

Aside from Buclao, the other legislators who signed the resolution were Al-Bakil Jikiri, Kynden Tulawie, Malcom Tulawie, Khalil Hajibin, Moh. Nur Sitin, Nur Hatta, Basaron Burahan and Moh. Bhydir Sarapuddin.

“The late Philippine National Police Provincial Director Senior Superintendent Julasirim Kasim died in the line of duty in the pursuit of Abu Sayyaf terrorists. The deceased...exemplified true courage in the performance of his duties. Such courage is a source of pride both for the Philippine National Police and the Provincial Government and the people of Sulu.”

“To perpetuate the unselfish bravery of Senior Superintendent Kasim and as a living memorial to a conduct worthy of an officer and a gentleman…that henceforth, the Philippine National Police headquarters in Sulu be known as Camp General Julasirim Kasim,” the resolution reads.

Kasim and his brother and three other policemen were killed in a firefight with Abu Sayyaf militants in May in Sulu. The police headquarters, located in the capital town of Jolo, was formerly named Camp Asturias. (Mindanao Examiner)

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