Monday, September 14, 2009

Davao village benefits from medical mission

Lawyer Karlo Nograles, son and chief of staff of House Speaker Prospero Nograles, joins a recent medical mission in Barangay Bago Aplaya in Davao City in the southern Philippines.
DAVAO CITY, Philippines – Some 1,000 villagers benefited from a medical mission launched by House Speaker Prospero Nograles in the southern Philippine city of Davao.

The medical mission was launched Barangay Bago Aplaya in coordination with the Davao Medical Center, whose doctors and nurses provided free consultation and medicines, said lawyer Karlo Nograles, the lawmaker’s son and chief of staff.

The mission, he said, is part of the “Oplan Kalusugan” program, which aims to provide better health services for residents of the 1st District where the solon belongs.

“This medical mission is a year-long activity initiated by the House Speaker to promote good health and well being of his residents,” the young Nograles said. “Aside from medical missions, the Office of the House Speaker also offers free Phil health cards and medical assistance to poor residents in the first district lessen their burden if ever they are sick.”

Residents praised the Nograleses for their humanitarian programs.

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