Monday, September 07, 2009

Like Father, Like Son: Karlo Nograles follows footsteps of great Pa

HEART TO LISTEN: One of the marks of a true leader is having the heart to listen to the needs of his constituents at all times. And House Speaker Prospero Nograles, in his many years as a public servant and a congressman in the 1st District of Davao City in the southern Philippines, has listened to the clamor of the people.

And now, his son and chief-of-staff, lawyer Karlo Nograles, who is following the solon’s footsteps, also take time to listen to the concerns of their constituents. During a recent barangay visit, the young Nograles assures the residents of the continued development and humanitarian projects by his father. The solon and his son have, in many years, launched various programs and assistance for the poor – health care, skills and livelihood trainings, educational scholarships among others.

Lawyer Nograles has urged those who needed help to visit the congressional office along Quirino Avenue in Davao City or their village leaders.

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