Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Press Group Deplores Abuse On Zamboanga Journalist


Reports of a journalist suffering verbal abuse from arrogant government officials have appallingly become a very common story in the Philippines.

The latest incident involved Zamboanga City journalist Mario "Jun" Feliciano of the radio station Radyo ng Bayan and local newspaper Zamboanga Star. Feliciano was berated by Zamboanga City Councilor Abdurahman Nuno in front of other public officials, city hall employees and media during the city council's session on June 15.

In a signed statement, members of the Zamboanga Defense Press Corps said Councilor Nuno's actions were "unacceptable" and described them as an attack on press freedom.

Last month, Laguna journalist Ireneo Maranan was mauled by San Pablo City Councilor Edgardo Adajar in full view of San Pablo's council which was then in session and other persons watching the council deliberation, including other journalists. The assault on Maranan, an ardent critic of the city government, was caught on camera. (IFJ-NUJP Manila Safety Office /
Read full statement of the Zamboanga City Defense Press Corps here.)

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