Monday, August 18, 2008

Saranggani Governor Releases Statement On MILF Raid

We are for peace but we shall not cower in fear.

We are appalled at the brazenness and treachery of the armed attack at the Maasim town early dawn today which resulted into the death of two innocent civilians and the wounding of another.

No amount of justification could placate the families of our dead and sooth the anxiety and fear of residents who have lived in peace and harmony throughout the years.

We shall remain steadfast in our quest for peace but we shall not cower in fear in the face of open challenges.

We will relentlessly pursue the attackers and bring to justice who wrought havoc to our peaceful lives and those who will continue to threaten us.

The Philippine National Police and the Armed Forces of the Philippines are now pursuing them.
Let me assure the residents of Maasim and in Sarangani that the local government units will continue to protect your lives and properties.

Let us not be driven into fear and submission.

Governor, Sarangani

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